

The Pentangle Arts 2018 Brown Bag Concert Series

July 6, 2018 by Corey A. Edwards

The Pentangle Arts 2018 Brown Bag Concert SeriesLooking for a fun and inexpensive way to liven up a Friday evening? How about an evening of food, drink, and FREE live music at a Pentangle Arts Brown Bag Concert! Brown Bag Concerts are held Fridays, 5:30pm, July 13th through August 31st, on the Woodstock History Center back lawn.

Pentangle Arts Brawn Bag Concerts are an annual series of free live music performances in Woodstock, VT. Area residents and visitors have been enjoyed the summer concert series for over 35 years, now!

The concert series is called “brown bag” because, although they’re free, donations for the Woodstock Food Shelf are encouraged. Fill a brown paper bag with canned food, pasta, oatmeal, or what have you to one of the concerts, and know that it goes to fight hunger. They even give away brown bags at the shows so you can take it home and fill it for the next show.

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